Fathers are undoubtedly the very first role model we ever get.
He’s the first man we ever share secrets with and go on adventures with. He’s the first man we ever love.
elitedaily.comDads have a large role in showing us how we should be treated by men.
We watch our dads love our moms and learn from their relationship. We feel our father’s love and realize that any man we decide to date should make us feel just as loved. The amount of attention, affection and concern we receive from fathers are the same things we look for when entering a relationship. We take the example they have set and apply it to ourselves. In doing this, if your father was as awesome as mine, you will learn your standards are rather high, which makes finding “the one” rather difficult. Thanks, dad.
My dad is an honest man.
He’s hardworking and dedicated to getting the job done. Quit is not in his vocabulary and goofing off is part of his everyday routine. He’s imaginative and silly. But the best quality I think my dad has is patience. He had enduring patience when I needed someone to be Ken while I was playing Barbies. He patiently waited at every sports activity, pageant, and extra-curricular activity never lacking enthusiasm, no matter how tired he was. He never became frustrated with me when I was emotional or needy. He has the patience to work on his marriage even when he knows it will be a long and hard process. He has the patience to invest in me when I am wrong and just can’t see it. All of these qualities have taught me exactly what I want in a man.
I want someone who is kind.
Who will help others without asking for anything in return, just as I have watched my dad do all throughout my life. He has taken care of those he didn’t have to, suffered major inconveniences and stress in order to help out someone else because no one would do it beside him. Not only do I want a man like that, but I want to be that way too.
Who will help others without asking for anything in return, just as I have watched my dad do all throughout my life. He has taken care of those he didn’t have to, suffered major inconveniences and stress in order to help out someone else because no one would do it beside him. Not only do I want a man like that, but I want to be that way too.
Who will help others without asking for anything in return, just as I have watched my dad do all throughout my life. He has taken care of those he didn’t have to, suffered major inconveniences and stress in order to help out someone else because no one would do it beside him. Not only do I want a man like that, but I want to be that way too.
Who will help others without asking for anything in return, just as I have watched my dad do all throughout my life. He has taken care of those he didn’t have to, suffered major inconveniences and stress in order to help out someone else because no one would do it beside him. Not only do I want a man like that, but I want to be that way too.
Who will help others without asking for anything in return, just as I have watched my dad do all throughout my life. He has taken care of those he didn’t have to, suffered major inconveniences and stress in order to help out someone else because no one would do it beside him. Not only do I want a man like that, but I want to be that way too.
I want someone who is silly. I will never forget the way my dad would throw himself on the ground during a tantrum of mine, and start flailing around and pretending to sob. He tries to turn anything he can into a joke and never takes anything too seriously. I think that is so important when it comes to living a happy life.
I need someone who will give me the attention I deserve.
My dad has never given me the cold shoulder when he’s upset with me, instead, we talk it out. He never ignores my calls or messages and always makes it a point to get back to me as soon as he can. Something I have realized about my dad is that he’s never made me feel like I couldn’t be seen. He always gave me his attention and made me feel important. Therefore, I will never be with someone who belittles me or ignores me.
I want a man who is supportive.
My father has never failed to encourage me to follow my dreams, even when that encouragement broke his bank again and again. He always pushed me and was there to help me in any way he could. When it was pageantry he curled my hair. When it was finding a job he helped me with my resume. When it was scholarships he flew me to all the schools to make sure the campuses were safe. I want a man who will put my happiness and goals at the top of his priority list.
In relationships, I have found that patience is the most important quality I want. I want a man who won’t quit when the going gets tough. I want someone who will wait for me to get over myself and be logical. I want someone who will sit for hours on end while I get ready for our fancy date. I want to marry a man who has the patience to love me, forgive me and support me in the times of tribulation. Just like my dad has.
Lastly, I want to marry a man who will be a great father. I want the man who will have inside jokes with our kids just like my dad did with me. I want the man who will spend hours in the garage practicing his roller-skating routine with his daughter just to make her happy, like my dad would do for me. I want him to bring our kids to his fishing trips, never once acting as if they are a bother, but cheering them on when they catch bullfrogs instead of fish. I want my husband to father our kids like mine did.
Dad, you have taught me more than you know. I love you and thank you for setting my standards so high.